K-12 Education The K-12 SIG is where elementary, middle, and high school ESOL teachers meet to discuss current issues in ESOL instruction. We discuss challenges and share solutions. Being a part of this SIG allows you to hear what other teachers and schools are doing to meet the academic language needs of our secondary English learners. Our members come together in workshops, presentations, and meetings, to share ideas, learn different teaching techniques, explore new research, and discuss items of interest. Currently, we continue looking at how to equip students with skills to handle difficult academic content in all four language modes using the experiences of our colleagues from the greater D.C. Metro area. If you are interested in more information, join WATESOL, come to a conference or other event, or email one of the K-12 SIG co-chairs. Whether you are in the process of becoming certified, are a new teacher, or have been teaching for many years, there is a place for you in the K-12 SIG. Contact K-12 Education SIG: k12sig@watesol.org |
Empowering Teachers and Learners Best Distance Learning Practices (Video demo link/screenshot/blurb) To access video demos, click here: WATESOL Flipgrid Email pd@watesol.org if you want to submit a video demo. Best In-Class Practices (Video demo link/screenshot/blurb) Email pd@watesol.org if you want to submit a video demo. | WATESOL PLC Monthly Chats and Reflections (PLC: Professional Learning Circle) Would you like to run an online discussion about a new book? New research? A new podcast? An inspirational TED talk or Ignite talk? Would you like to chat about teaching with other K- 12 Ed SIG members? - Suggest a topic! Email pd@watesol.org if you want to submit an informal detailed proposal for an online discussion.RESOURCES Web Articles Journal Articles Books
Podcasts/Blogs Conference Presentation Material |